Where quality & service costs no more
Q. Can I use my 4x4 on the tar seal
A. Yes- full time 4x4 vehicles can be used under any
situation, but a manual select 4x4 we would not
recommend to use on the tar seal unless the vehicle is
under load in slippery conditions.
I.E. Towing a trailer or boat when loss of traction is
Q. Can uneven or different profile tyres affect or harm my 4 wheel drive transmission?
A. Definitely. Manufactures recommend that 4 wheel drive vehicles be fitted with the same size tyres. If this is not the case it can ultimately affect the correct operation of the vehicles transmission.
Q. How much will my repair cost?
A. Unfortunately this is a very hard question to answer, without dismantling the gearbox. It is very difficult to ascertain the cost of a repair, but we can give an estimate.
By us dismantling the gearbox we can see what the problem is and give you a more accurate and detailed quote.
Q. Why does my gearbox crunch into gear when the
vehicle is cold and not when it warms up?
A. Normally the wrong grade or type of oil being used causes
this fault.
However should the vehicle still have this fault when full
running temperature is achieved, then a more serious
internal problem is indicated.
As this is one of the early warning signs of expensive
gearbox failure we recommend a cost effective repair
now will save increased repair costs at a later stage.
Q. What type of oil do I use in my gearbox?
A. Different oils for different applications. For an example
for a full time 4x4 Subaru Legacy we would recommend
using only Castrol Syntrax this oil is designed for
ultimate gear change as well as 4x4 application, but for
a Toyoa Celica with a limited slip differential we would
recommend using only Castrol LST which is designed
for these applications.
For a vehicle with a problem gear change when the
vehicle is cold we would recommend a synthetic oil like
Castrol VMX as long as the vehicle does not have a
Hypoid gear setup.
If you have any more questions please feel free to
phone Craig on 07-5720062

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Formally Gearboxes R Us Ltd
Formally Gearboxes R Us Ltd
4 Aerodrome Road
Mt Maungonui
Phn : 07-5720062